Last Call with Jim MacKrell

Episode 1 Look up, what do you see....??

James MacKrell Season 1 Episode 0

Musing about darkness, light and the lack of both. 

There is so much to see in the night. The darkness can be as illuminating as a spotlight. When you eyes become adjusted the wonders of the heavens unfold to your senses, that is unless the artificial light we are constantly bathed in obscures our view of the darkness. Then again, isn't that true of our lives as well. aren't we blind to all that life has to offer because of the brilliance of the spotlight of ego we train on what we are trying to see, or in most cases, avoiding to see least we are informed and focused on that which for the life of us we've been avoiding. Avoiding because of the blinders attached to our in-sight cover up the reality with a heavy coat of presumption rooted in the fiction of our own making...

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